I'm proud to present to you a Brand New True North Femme Signature program.



Your Soulful Launch Blueprint


Explode is a 4-week immersion for you who are ready to unlock everything holding you back from who you know you can be. For you who want to create your own unique way of launching, execute in confidence and joy, and create impact, money and magnetism.


You know that what you have been doing so far isn't working?

The BIG Question is if you're going to continue on the same track ... 

Or are you going to make a REAL change?


This is where EXPLODE comes in…

In EXPLODE you're going to build a Brand you are MADLY in Love with, creating aligned offers, exploring your own unique way of launching ... that will make you so excited that you forget all about time and space, you jump out of your bed every morning to serve. 


During 4-weeks you're going to immerse yourself into a deep liberation journey to unlock every little single piece holding you back, and finally showing up in your life and business in the way you know you can, to create the impact, money and magnificent life you deserve. 


It is time you let go of systems and ways, where your soul is dying, and you're getting bored.

It is time you really do it YOUR WAY, activate your soul signature and unleashing authority. 


Join EXPLODE, and let's have some fun! 

We start June, 18th 2024  

Yes I'm in!


I'm proud to present to you a Brand New True North Femme Signature program.



Your Soulful Launch Blueprint


Explode is a 4-week immersion for you who are ready to unlock everything holding you back from who you know you can be. For you who want to create your own unique way of launching, execute in confidence and joy, and create impact, money and magnetism.


You know that what you have been doing so far isn't working?

The BIG Question is if you're going to continue on the same track ... 

Or are you going to make a REAL change?


This is where EXPLODE comes in…

In EXPLODE you're going to build a Brand you are MADLY in Love with, creating aligned offers, exploring your own unique way of launching ... that will make you so excited that you forget all about time and space, you jump out of your bed every morning to serve. 


During -weeks you're going to immerse yourself into a deep liberation journey to unlock every little single piece holding you back, and finally showing up in your life and business in the way you know you can, to create the impact, money and magnificent life you deserve. 


It is time you let go of systems and ways, where your soul is dying, and you're getting bored.

It is time you really do it YOUR WAY, activate your soul signature and unleashing authority. 


Join EXPLODE, and let's have some fun! 

We start soon ... 


Yes, Let's do this!!

When I was starting to build my business I wasn’t allowing myself to show my authentic self, and didn’t really explore the real depths of my own value and uniqueness and was getting lost in how to be, do and show up for myself, and my business. 

I’ve been exploring so many different ways, and nothing worked until I decided to do it in my own unique way. I chose to play in a totally different league. 

In my own league where soul and devotion lead the way, where I allowed myself to explore the value and uniqueness of my self and my offers, and created a business I was MADLY in love with.

I explored offers, and launches in different ways, how to sell and magnetically attract in everything I want, I trusted the guidance fully and my revenue exploded. I found ease, meaningfulness, and soooo much unleashed energy and joy. I found my Blueprint.  

I chose to play a totally different game - and now I’m inviting you in, so we can play together.

Not in doing my way, but in finding your own unique Blueprint



Your Soulful Launch Blueprint 



Explode - Your Soulful Launch Blueprint works as an incubator.

For four weeks, you will be immersed in what will feel like a mini mastermind completely focused on soulful offer creation, your unique Launch Blueprint and Magnetic Visibility.

You will be supported in how to lead with devotion, divine structures, aligned focus, and directional input to help you design and craft your new offer, explore your own and unique way of launching, how to show up in the way you want to do, momentum and cashflow. 

You’ll be held accountable to birth it now and not get lost in the weeds.

You should be ready to have created your Soulful Launch Blueprint and ready to launch whatever you come up with during the Incubator within 4-8 weeks of our work together (or less).


We Begin Soon ...



Here's exactly what you'll get access to in EXPLODE:


The Immersion and the Calls are LIVE, with life-time access to all recordings. 


There will be 8 Live calls with Camilla Ma Ra, and recorded activations and sessions to deepen your experience.


A small intimate group sharing this experience with.


Private On-line forum for support and deep conversations.



If this is meant for you - it is most likely an answer for a calling you've had for a long time ...

If you already know this is the right step for you, it is only a matter of saying YES to yourself. 

Yes, I'm IN!

I'm Camilla Ma Ra,

a soul-led leadership mentor, creative, serial entrepreneur, and visionary. I'm the creator of True North Femme, Devoted Mastermind and founder of Heart of the North Sanctuary, a small retreat center in the softest and most magical place in Sweden.

On my journey I've supported hundreds of (mostly) women redefining being a modern woman, activating her purpose, anchored in her truth, embodied in her personal power, and guided by her deepest calling.  

I want each and every one to be MADLY in LOVE with their Life and Business. I support these amazing women in designing a Life and Business they are MADLY OBSESSED with. 

Most of Camilla Ma Ra’s clients refer to the deep and high frequency quantum field “Devoted and Aligned Leadership” Camilla is working from IS the uniqueness that differs her from others. The potent power of the activations and downloads that come through, the depth of the conversations being held, the rapid elevation of consciousness, and the new way of running a business from a deep space of alignment, which allows money, clients, and relationships to flow in with ease and grace. In this field, you can not only activate but embody and anchor all into your new reality, and from there take aligned steps to build a foundation of business and life, the way you want it. 



the Art of Attracting the RIGHT people into your world.

the Art of Launching in your UNIQUE Way

the Art of creating your PLAYGROUND

This is the Immersion to be in if you want to love the way you're living business and magnetically attract the RIGHT people into your world. To Magnetize in what you want in life is an art form, and builds on the impact you're creating. It's your frequency, your power, your leadership, and your soul expression.  


We Start Soon ... 

If you feel the call, join us now. 

The clock is ticking on being able to access this true North Femme Program for only €333. Price will go up €111 every day until we go LIVE!


Bonus when you Pay in Full

You will be invited to join an on-line-play-day "TO BECOME THE ONE" 23rd July for FREE together with Camilla Ma Ra! 


This is a wild opportunity for You that know the value of time, investment and presence.  

Pay In Full


Special Offer (Value €2555)


Payment plan


Monthly x2


Payment plan 2


Bi-weekly x6


Welcome, beautiful soul,

There is no need to hide your power. Or dim your truth. It's safe to turn your light all the way on. It's safe to walk hand in hand with the Divine to your sacred, fiery, and pure truth.  It is time to bring it ALL back in, and OWN it!

It is time we create a year of Wealth and Joy. It's up to you to decide how the rest of 2024 will be for you! It is time to stop holding back, stop playing small. This is the our to embody your Greatness!

I wanna support YOU - Amazing Soul - in designing a Life and Business you are MADLY IN LOVE with.