€750,00 EUR

Every month

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Devoted - Gold - Payment Plan


✩ 20 DEVOTED MASTER MIND SESSIONS; training, activations, "hot-seat" coaching, business strategy, and manifestation mentoring, so you keep on track and moving quickly through anything that comes up, and align and grow your business, offers, and leadership.

✩ Online Community

Private Facebook CommUNITY for networking, masterminding, support, sharing, and business resources.

✩ Devoted Playbook.

✩ Daily Practice Sadhana 

✩ Lifetime access to DEVOTED


+ Platinum + 10 Laser Coaching/Mentoring Sessions



Investment Gold: €4000 pay in full  or Payment plan €750 x 6 months

Investment Platinum: €8000 pay in full or Payment plan €1500 x 6 months