– for soul-led leaders of the new era 


CALLING IN ALL DEVOTED  VISIONARIES, SPIRITUAL ENTREPRENEURS, GLOBAL LEADERS, WISDOM KEEPERS, HEART-CENTERED SERVICE PROVIDERS & CONSCIOUS CEO, that want to build aligned business that supports you to show up in service every day, in your own unique way.

 This is the space where you allow soul + legacy to lead, strategy to direct (a strategy that is you), and where devotion is the way you birth your movement, manifest your wildest dreams, and build a business supporting YOU in every WAY.




– for soul-led leaders of the new era 


CALLING IN ALL DEVOTED  VISIONARIES, SPIRITUAL ENTREPRENEURS, GLOBAL LEADERS, WISDOM KEEPERS, HEART-CENTERED SERVICE PROVIDERS & CONSCIOUS CEO, that want to build aligned business that supports you to show up in service every day, in your own unique way.


 This is the way where you allow soul + legacy to lead, strategy to direct (a strategy that is you), and where devotion is the way you birth your movement, manifest your wildest dreams, and build a business supporting YOU in every WAY.








This is the space

to become the devoted femme leader, who walks the path of softest surrender, strong devotion, and a deep anchoring - in your vision, your purpose, and your leadership.


This is the space

where you align your soul frequency and navigate the profound shifts in consciousness. This is the space where you stop being your business and start running it, so that you can make the impact you´re here for.

This is the space

where you learn to align into the next level of abundance to receive the wealth you're here for. This is the space where you learn to bring your vision into manifestation and allow it to be your new reality. 

The time is NOW to REALLY, bring your business and life to the next level and be the leader you’re born to be. To create a life and build a business that supports you, in ALL WAYS.                

I SEE YOU beautiful woman …

you who might have a business already and feeling it is soooo time to scale, grow and bring it into the next level. 

you who are in the beginning of your business-leadership-journey. You know what you want to offer the world, and are so ready to take this big leap.

you that know there is more for you. You feel that and you know it in your bones., but you do not know how to get there.

you have a lot of ideas of what you want, but do not know where to start. You can feel that there is something not fully in alignment and want assistance to release that.

you that know this is more than strategy, more than mind-set. You've tried so many things, bit do not really break ths glass ceiling. There is still a gap ... a gap between where you want to go, and what is actually manifested

you struggle with momentum, your focus, and direction. You want to lay a solid ground where you and your business can thrive, and scale into a six/ multi-six figure revenue.

My mission is to guide you into your mission, fully.


To live it, fully. To be it, fully. AND to lead it, fully.

I meet many sisters (and brothers) ...

... that are so deep in the spiritual worlds, holding such amazing and incredible gifts, in deep service BUT not actually manifesting their desires, or their service work in an expanded way. They are amazing, seeing multidimensional worlds, weaving with spirit, and feeling the visions… But when it comes to anchoring and living it, to actualize their service work, they freeze and they hide. They don´t know the “how,” and there is a huge resistance in creating business.


... that are so deeply rooted in strategy, and marketing and amazing in their business, taking action and doing the thing … but no matter how much they do, how many programs or launches they run, they do not expand into their next level. They do not hear their business heartbeats or know its soul.


 I am here to show you that you really can have it ALL. You do not have to choose between Business and Soul or Spiritual life and strategy. For growth and devotional living, soul-led life, and business - it takes both.


 It's time to clear the hesitations and step into the leader you were born to be. The only "way" is YOUR way, shaped by your devotion and inner north star. 



The Devoted has been created for you to lead in devotion and to magnetize clients, opportunities, and income with ease and grace, build an aligned business that supports you to show up in service every day, in your own unique way. 

And you start right here ….


This is for you if …

You know you´re here for more, deeper service, a big vision, a big dream and are now ready to make it real.

✩ You are an amazing woman feeling stuck in your current life, no matter what you do, you do not seem to raise it to the next level.

You´re longing to bridge the gap between where you are and where you desire to be, in a way that deeply aligns with you, and build your business to support you, in every way.

✩ You already have a business, you might already make some money in your business, and you´re now ready to shift into a stable, flowing and expanding six/ multi six-figure business.

✩ You know that all is about frequency and soul, and that both the energetics AND strategy needs to be aligned with your vision and mastered, to level up, in ease and grace.

You are a woman that wants to dream BIG, that want to work deeper on your vision, but when it comes to taking the right action for yourself or your business, you freeze, or get overwhelmed, or confused or just don’t know what to focus on.

This is for you if …

You´re a woman longing for softness, moneyflow, and joy in your life, to deepen into a feminine embodiment and allow pleasure, passion, joy, the divine, and purpose to be the guiding star of your life.

✩ You´re feeling disconnected from your business, and from the creativity and passion that once were the guiding stars. You´re ready to ignite the fire within you, and the fire within your business, and upgrade on every level. Start creating and sharing content and offers in new ways.

✩ YOU that have been giving too much of your energy to others and now realize that you need support to ensure that your business transforms and evolves to serve you first?

✩ You´re ready to truly experience life and embody success, in whatever way it looks for you. To leave a big legacy and be an active part of the rapid shifts in consciousness of the planet and humanity.

✩ You want to love on purpose and in Divine Harmony, and are longing to create a soul-aligned business and be of world service.



This is for you if …

 You know you´re here for more, deeper service, a big vision, a big dream and are now ready to make it real.

✩ You are an amazing woman feeling stuck in your current life, no matter what you do, you do not seem to raise it to the next level.

✩ You´re longing to bridge the gap between where you are and where you desire to be, in a way that deeply aligns with you, and build your business to support you, in every way.

✩ You already have a business, you might already make some money in your business, and you´re now ready to shift into a stable, flowing and expanding six/ multi six-figure business.

✩ You know that all is about frequency and soul, and that both the energetics AND strategy needs to be aligned with your vision and mastered, to level up, in ease and grace.

 You are a woman that wants to dream BIG, that want to work deeper on your vision, but when it comes to taking the right action for yourself or your business, you freeze, or get overwhelmed, or confused or just don’t know what to focus on.


This is for you if …

✩ You´re a woman longing for softness, moneyflow, and joy in your life, to deepen into a feminine embodiment and allow pleasure, passion, joy, the divine, and purpose to be the guiding star of your life.

✩ You´re feeling disconnected from your business, and from the creativity and passion that once were the guiding stars. You´re ready to ignite the fire within you, and the fire within your business, and upgrade on every level. Start creating and sharing content and offers in new ways.

✩ YOU that have been giving too much of your energy to others and now realize that you need support to ensure that your business transforms and evolves to serve you first?

✩ You´re ready to truly experience life and embody success, in whatever way it looks for you. To leave a big legacy and be an active part of the rapid shifts in consciousness of the planet and humanity.

✩ You want to love on purpose and in Divine Harmony, and are longing to create a soul-aligned business and be of world service.



 ✩ You walk the path of softest surrender, strong devotion, and a deep anchoring, - in your vision, your purpose, and your leadership?

✩ You´ve built a thriving six/multi-figure business that is soul-aligned and can grow and scale.

You´re lit up by your Legacy and Mission, and crafted offers of service that you LOVE.

You´ve called in your dream clients.

You are deeply anchored in your soul mission and inner devotion and your business thrives and brings your legacy forth.

You are clear in your messaging and marketing strategy, so your launches and sales are now fun, creative, effortless, and lucrative.

You are aligned in your organic feminine flow and creating balance and harmony in all areas of life.

✩ You´re aligned in the universal flow and experiencing wealth and abundance

✩ You are running your business in ease and flow guided by devotion and soul.

 ✩ You´re living as a Devoted leader and SHE is unstoppable.

✩ You’re magnetizing everything you desire in divine timing, your clients, money, sales ... and more.

✩ You´ve built the business of your dreams and created systems, processes, and automatizations, so it runs by itself.

✩ Waking up every day feeling meaningfulness and are in LOVE with your life.

✩ You´re exploding your online presence, and showing up for yourself, your family, your community, and your clients.

✩ You’ve shifted freeze, overwhelm, and burnout to joy, excitement, and ease.

✩ You´re experiencing a new way of Running your business, that is birthed through devotion and ripples out and into every area of your life.

✩ You´re deeper embodied in your divine feminine essence and living a soulful life.

✩ Your income explodes and so does the impact you are leaving after you.

Yes, this is ME!

I Quantum leaped my business income with 7x in 40 days

"As I learn and embody the teachings from Camilla and her True North Leadership program my business income exploded and made a 7X quantum leap in 40 days. I learned to align my own frequency with the frequncy of my business mission, allowing the guidance of my spiritual guides with my business and to trust, my business income made a quantum leap. What I thought was impossible became very possible and true. I anchored it in as my new reality. It was all very Divine, and I was held and supported all the way. The teachings that Camilla offer is teachings of the new era. Forever grateful.

- Birgitta Seraphima



Camilla supported me to expand as a spiritual entrepreneur

"Camilla have assisted me so I now can serve people from my higher purpose, through my business. She showed me how to manifest my soul’s mission, and share that out in the world, in new unique, creative, and structured ways. Camilla supported me on the way of not only deepening on my spiritual path living my soul mission, but also expand as a spiritual entrepreneur. This journey is the best platform I have found where spiritual people can feel comfortable, seen and heard from a spiritual perspective and that our service to the world is taken seriously in also being an entrepreneur. Thank you with all my heart Camilla"

- Karina

Welcome Beautiful Soul,

I´M Camilla ma ra – your host during this powerful 6-month journey


Where others see limitations, you will see possibilities…in every conversation, every circumstance, every person you meet. Where others feel stuck…in their day-to-day-life, their roles as CEO's, leaders, healers, partners, lovers, friends…you will know that everything is energy in motion and holds a frequency.

Where others lean into masquerades and facades… chasing the shiny and flashy titles, or hiding behind old stories, outsourcing their Divine Soul and expression,  gaslighting themselves and others into a life of distraction, smallness, letting their ego drive their mission, their vision…

YOU will lead with raw, vulnerable, highest truth and love.

I could start moving through the blockages and the limitations for real

"To have Camilla as a guide when I tried to find answers outside of myself is an extraordinary experience for me. I have been in Camillas circle since a year back, and I'm so grateful for that. It was when I first met her I could start moving through the blockages, the layers and the limitations for real. Camilla is a true way shower by her presence, holding a loving space, the support she give is in such a soft, feminine, playful, yet so powerful way is giving me a real example on how to live your spirituality to the fullest."

- Sudarat Kotmatcha


Enabling me to Love myself, honor myself and to be in Love with life

 "I love Camilla, she’s one of the most true, authentic loving and caring spiritual way showers/teachers that I’ve encountered. Her teachings are a combination of different modalities, ancient sacred knowledge and new technologies based on the new earth Unity consciousness. Her extent knowledge in the divine feminine has provided me with the necessary tools to break free from the matrix, the old programming and become the true Sovereign Divine feminine beautiful soul that I’m, thus enabling me to Love myself, honor myself and to be in Love with life… to return home in total embodiment and prepare myself to be divine conduit to be of service of the One"

- Sara


Welcome, beautiful woman,

You who know you're here for more, for something bigger, you who know that you want it all… the business, the wealth, the love, the family, the legacy, the impact, the life... and BE that Woman.

You know that ALL is here for YOU. 

You just don’t know how to access it.

The way you run your business will impact everything in your life. If your business today - is not in alignment with all that you want, you can start right here... Now


When you walk the path of softest surrender, strong devotion, and a deep anchoring - in your vision, your purpose, and your leadership - everything is shifting. Everything!

When you allow yourself to truly manifest the life you want, DEVOTION is the way.

When we deepen our feminine embodiment as soul, in deep devotion, everything will open and flow, in ease and grace. 

When soul and Legacy lead -  you will move mountains. 

When Strategy – a strategy that is you and your uniqueness - will direct the way, you will be that magnet that attracts everything.

When devotion is the way you birth your six/multi-six figure business - your wildest (and biggest) dreams will manifest. 

We´re offering you a way, a way led by soul and devotion.

I’ve designed devotion in a way for you who truly want to run your business in a new way. To support you in shifting your next level income, your next level launch, your next..., in all areas of your life. 

Beloved Beautiful Woman - You are READY to anchor in all those shifts in your new reality, and BE that woman ... 


.. a woman who is embodied as the soulful, devoted leader she really is, and showing up as HER, every day … I feel it…





✩ Next level frequency and mastering energetics

✩ The strategy of building a new way of business (and life)

✩ Soul-embodiment and deep communion with the Divine

✩ A Devoted soul-led Leadership of the New Era

Here is some of what will be included:

Next Level Frequency

✩ Know exactly what to focus on to build a six/multi-six figure business in a deeply aligned way.

✩Learn and experience how to elevate yourself to your highest potential.

✩ Unleash the spiritual and soulful essence of wealth and abundance.

✩ The secrets to manifesting financial abundance effortlessly.

✩ Raising your vibration on a daily basis supports you in collapsing time and space in your manifestations.

✩ Allow awakening and personal growth to become the catalyst of abundance.

✩ Learn how Divine intention and universal timing allow you to manifest divine wealth in a totally new way.

✩ The Millionaire Mindset.


✩ Creating a magnetic brand, embodying your legacy + making your mark in the world.

✩ Learn powerful soulful strategies, to anchor your business as a masterpiece, and successfully navigate within a new earth business world.

✩ Shifting out of ‘struggling to be consistent’ and into momentum.

✩ Grow and Scale with ease without overwhelm and burning out your nervous system. 

✩Build Your Online Business and Live Launch Blueprint 

✩ Birth-aligned offers and messaging that are deeply magnetic to your soul clients. 

✩ Systems, structure, processes - to anchor the foundation of your business. 


Soul embodiment

✩ Practical techniques to align your mindset with prosperity

✩ Activate your unique codes and divine mission and get a deeper clarity on your soulcodes.  

✩ Surrender into a life and business guided by the divine.

✩ Sacred Key Code, DNA - and comic activations to embody your Soul + soul gifts, so your entire business and life are in alignment.

 ✩ Allowing your unique soul codes + essence to weave into your marketing.

✩ Harmonize and upgrade your nervous system, to anchor in high consciousness. 

 ✩ Transformational healing for the awakening and ascending body, mind, heart, and soul

Devoted Leadership

✩ Learn how devotion is birthing the way.

✩ Explore the depths of your leadership, your creative expression, your soul connection, your way of running your business — you in your full power.

✩ Expand your ability and capacity to receive, hold, and embody a new level of self-leadership.

✩ Show up to yourself, your family, your community, and your business.

✩ Release, clear, and heal self-sabotage patterns.

✩ Learn how to be soul-connected with your clients.

✩ Working with your highest self within your business + birth offerings in alignment with your Soul 

✩ Elevate Your Coaching Skills

The Devoted Soul-led leader of the New Era 

6-month Mastermind - STARTS 30TH OCTOBER


✩ KICK-OFF POWER SESSION - We start your DEVOTED Next with an Individual kick-off power session -  designed to create your new playground and map, and see what you need to move forward to make our journey as powerful as possible.

✩ 20 DEVOTED MASTER MIND SESSIONS; training, activations, "hot-seat" coaching, business strategy, and manifestation mentoring, so you keep on track and moving quickly through anything that comes up, and align and grow your business, offers, and leadership.

✩ Private Facebook CommUNITY for networking, masterminding, support, sharings, and business resources

✩ Online portal with activations, meditations, and other practices to support your work and embodiment. 

✩ Devoted Playbook.

✩ Daily Practice Sadhana 

✩ Lifetime access to DEVOTED

✩ Opportunity to join True North Femme Ambassador Program and open your additional income streams 




✩ KICK-OFF POWER SESSION - We start DEVOTED with a kick-off power portal designed to create your new playground and map, and see what you need to move forward to make our journey as powerful as possible.

✩ Telegram support with Camilla 2 days/week. 

✩ 20 DEVOTED MASTER MIND SESSIONS; training, activations, "hot-seat" coaching, business strategy, sharing, and manifestation mentoring, to keep you on track and moving quickly through anything that comes up, and align and grow your business, offers, and self-leadership.

✩ Private Facebook CommUNITY for networking, masterminding, support, sharing, and business resources

✩ Online portal with activations, meditations, and other practices to share, be witnessed and get support.

✩ Devoted Playbook.

✩ Daily Practice Sadhana 

Lifetime access to DEVOTED

✩ Opportunity to join True North Femme Ambassador Program and open your additional income streams



Pay in Full Bonus








Pay in Full Bonus






If you are ready to live the life of your dreams …..

I'll see you inside the Devoted



When does DEVOTED start?

You can enroll whenever you want. If you sign up now, you will get direct access to our Devoted Community, our Online Portal, and if you are a Platinum, Telegram support with me. As a Bonus you will also have a seat in Explode. Read more here.


Who is this Mastermind for?

DEVOTED Next is for every Soulful Woman that wants to merge spirituality, soul, legacy, and business, and desires to build, grow, and scale to their next level and beyond, in eace, grace and flow.

If you feel the call to DEVOTED, TRUST that this is for you. Book a call with me and we can have a chat to see if it is a good fit and clear the resistance and doubt away. Book your call here!


When is the first Kick-Off Power Portal? 

When you sign up, you'll get a link to book your first individual Kick-Off Call with Camilla Ma Ra. 


What if I can not join one of the Live sessions?

There will be recordings of our Live sessions uploaded into our Online Portal within 48 hours.


Can I book a call to see if this is right for me?

Yes, of course, I´d love to meet you. Book your call here!