Are you ready to really, truly

become the new earth leader, who walks the path of softest surrender, strong devotion, and a deep anchoring

in your vision, your purpose, and your leadership?  

Are you ready to really, truly level up and live the next
level of you?

Your future is here and waiting for you to create it.


by Camilla Ma Ra


Beloved Beautiful Soul,  

Welcome to a divine journey into Your inner True North and a new way of Life and Business. This is a journey to align and anchor in your soul, your sovereignty, your divine energy, your tribe, your mission, your brand, and your unlimited abundanceIt is finding your unique way, in ease and grace, creating a life the way YOU WANT IT TO BE.

Your journey through True North will awaken your Limitlessness, Fearlessness, and Infinite potential within, assisting you in creating a Good Life for yourself, and manifest a Life as


You will learn how to allow a soul-led life and a god-led business to guide your way into a strong and purposeful Leadership of the new era. Joining True North is opening to a New Way of Life and Business.

The journey within True North will assist you in:

โœจ Expanding awareness and raising consciousness where your purpose and mission just unfold naturally.

โœจ Allowing your soul purpose to guide you and manifest your Life Mission

โœจ Embody your true essence and your inner abundance codes so that you can receive all the opportunities that are here, always, awaiting you.

โœจ Transfigure into the creator and leader that you truly are.

โœจ Create and manifest a Life as YOU want it to be.

โœจ Merge deeper and deeper into the fields of abundance where Overflow and Millions are awaiting you.

โœจ Build a soulful business in a new way, for world service.

We warmly invite you to experience exquisite, delicate, and potent activations, transmissions, wisdom teachings, divine courses and programs, retreats, learnings, and mastery that is so greatly needed on our planet. 

Joining us will accelerate your awakening and Soul Mastery. TRUE NORTH is taking you an a journey to create a new way of LIFE and BUSINESS. 


There is a cry for a new leadership echoing around the world, leadership of the new era that changes the world. We are all called into our higher mission and to bring it into action and manifestation in world service. We are all called into a new leadership of world service. 

Camilla Ma Ra

Camilla Ma Ra´s is a passionate woman and serve as a Gateway.

Her playing field is all over the universe where she assists awakened souls through the Gateway of the Great Homecoming. Camilla teaches divine manifestation as a new way of life and business, where WE together shift into abundance, freedom, wealth, full soul-expression and having a fun life while making an impact on the world.

Camilla has brought impact and change to thousands of people around the world. She has traveled and facilitated retreats in many places, such as Hawaii, Tonga, Moorea, Svalbard, Norway, France, Turkey, Mexico, England, and Scotland, assisting in world service in the new shift.

Camilla is now OFFERING YOU a way in bringing YOUR soul into full alignment and expression, so that you can assist others in world service.

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Are you ready to really, truly level up

and live the next level of you? 

Camilla Ma Ra is offering different ways to support you to accelerate your awakening and embodiment of the new era.

a 6-month journey to learn a new way of life and business - links to the sales page.

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It was in Camillas the Great Homecoming retreat that I for the first time in my life felt the love from MotherFatherGod. I felt the love and care from Mother Earth. I was home! Camilla was there for us all the way. You didn´t get a chance to slip away with anything. Camilla is wonderful just to be around, you are constantly reminded of the light <3. She hold you in her light and see you for who you really are until you see it for yourself. If you get a chance to attend a retreat with Camilla, GO! It will change your life forever!” -


I have found my way back

Thank you so much Camilla, I felt lost. As if I had lost my way to myself, and you have helped me return to my center, to find my way back. To where I felt I was, this course have been challenging and heaven, all at the same time! Bless you! – 


My experience is BEYOND - I really experienced a total calibration

Thank you Camilla Ma Ra for the transmission. My experience is BEYOND. I experienced deep deep healing and activation. You mentioned that many loop because of experiences of past or parallel lives. One moment of the meditation I was retreiving trapped fragments of my soul. Deep fear and anger was connected to it that was released. I really experienced a total calibration. Thank you for this healing and activation. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿงก


"The New Leadership has no leader other than the One.

The only accountable leader is Love itself. You will be brought down, teared down until you surrender to this true humble and compassionate heart and align into divine will. It is time to let go of all mental concepts, all strategies, all survival kits and start to trust. Trust that when you are surrendering into your pure, naked sacred heart, you will be blessed beyond measures, and beyond".

Camilla Ma Ra

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